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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How my Photography Journey Began

Everyone has their own story of how they began doing what they love. Whether that is, playing a sport, crafting, working out, photography and so forth. I would have never thought that I would ever be a photographer! I have a younger brother who is a photographer. When he was starting out, I was one of his models that he would practice his work on. Like most girls, I was flattered that I could help model for him, I love pictures! One day, out of curiosity, I grabbed his camera while he showed me the photos that he took of me. I started messing around with the settings on the camera, although, I had no idea what I was doing. As I was looking at the photos, he asked me “What other poses do you want to do?”. I realized that he had no idea how to pose people yet. From that day forward, he asked me to accompany him to his photo sessions and help pose his clients. I enjoyed helping him and seeing his clients leave happy with the results that I fell in love with photography! Now that I am also a part- time photographer, my brother and I help each other out with upcoming photoshoots. We are always brainstorming ideas to improve our photos.I did not go to school to learn photography, as much as I wanted to, I was too busy with my full-time job.I have learned what I know now, through watching my brother, watching videos on you tube and most importantly, going out and taking photos every single day!🙂

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